Tom Ireland was awarded a literary fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Jeffrey E. Smith award in nonfiction from The Missouri Review. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he edits archaeology and rides bikes.
Birds of Sorrow, by Tom Ireland
Birds of Sorrow
Tom Ireland
ISBN: 0-939010-19-4 (paper) price
231 pagesA welcome book for those of us who love the well-wrought essay.
—Tony HillermanThis collection offers a refreshing account of [Ireland’s] experience of the American West … whose appeal is delightfully idiosyncratic and universally human.
—Publishers WeeklyThere ought to be a name for this genre … [but] people who bond with “place” and then write about it with philosophical comments and profound/funny/zen-like observations along the way is a bit cumbersome.
—Pam Hanna