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Since the lyric beginnings of Polish poetry, writers have been burdened with duties typically delegated to politicians, soldiers, priests or journalists. The political, social and cultural changes of the last decade have allowed Polish poets to cast off these burdens, and focus instead on individual expression and varied aesthetic movements. Carnivorous Boy Carnivorous Bird focuses on the core group of this movement—poets born between 1958-1969. 


…in a constant confusion of mystification and authenticity, distance and directness, representational skepticism and mimetic euphoria, game-playing and honesty, the poets presented here perform their informal, singular duties towards language and the human condition.
—from the introduction by Marcin Baran

Carnivorous Boy Carnivorous Bird

  • Carnivorous Boy Carnivorous Bird
    Selected by Marcin Baran
    Edited by Anna Skucińska and Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese
    ISBN 0-939010-72-0 (paper) 
    6 x 9
    336 pages [bilingual Polish/English]

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